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Tibbetts Brook Trash Clean Up

Tibbetts Brook, a small freshwater river, cuts through the heart of Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx. Join us to help clean it!

Family Fun Hike: Welcome Spring!

Welcome Spring! Family Fun Hike in Van Cortlandt Park. For 2 to 6 year olds and their adult(s). Led by a Van Cortlandt Park Alliance educator!

Garlic Mustard Pull

Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx is home to 640 acres of forest and wetlands. Non-indigenous species such as garlic mustard threaten it.

261st Street Garden Volunteer Day

Celebrate Earth Day with VCPA and the Riverdale Main Streets Alliance as we maintain the garden and field at 261st and Broadway.

Barefoot Dancing

Van Cortlandt Park Golf House 115 Van Cortlandt Park West, Bronx, NY, United States

Get up and dance at the Van Cortlandt Golf House- Back Deck or bring a blanket, sit, and enjoy the music by Juan Usera and the Sambuco Tribe.

Springtime Fête!

A festive evening by the lake celebrating two remarkable women: Sonia Manzano and Iris Rodriguez Rosa.