Mulchfest 2021

Van Cortlandt Park Golf House 115 Van Cortlandt Park West, Bronx, NY, United States

Recycle your holiday tree by bringing it to Van Cortlandt Park, where the NYC Parks Forestry Crew will chip it into mulch!  While you are there, stop by and say hi to VCPA's Urban Eco-Teens and make a birdfeeder to take home.

21 in ’21

Hike or Run 21 miles in VCP anytime during 2021, post on social media from the park, and wear your Finisher’s Patch with pride. Register by October 1st to participate.

What is Pinkster?

Learn about the lives of African Americans in 17th- and 18th-century Dutch New York and the celebration of Pinkster, a Dutch and African American holiday celebrated in New York and New Jersey.

Event Series Family Fun Hikes

Family Fun Hikes

Van Cortlandt Park Golf House 115 Van Cortlandt Park West, Bronx, NY, United States

Family Fun Hikes in Van Cortlandt Park. For 2 to 6 year olds and their adult(s). Led by a VCPA educator! Both easy hikes include a hands-on activity and goody bags for all participants!

Celebrating Pinkster!

What would a Pinkster celebration look like? Enslaved Africans in 17th- and 18th-century New York used the festival as a way to reconnect with family and resist the erasure of their West African cultures.

Juneteenth Ceremony

On Juneteenth, in gratitude for the sacrifice of the African Ancestors who built what is now Van Cortlandt Park, the African Burial Ground in the park will be consecrated. 

Family Fun Hike

Father's Day Weekend Hike! Grab your magnifying glass and hiking shoes as we venture out for a fun-filled bug hunt with dad in Woodlawn! Get your tickets now.

Let’s Talk About Slavery in VCP – Virtual

Join us for a virtual presentation of the history of slavery in Van Cortlandt Park. Educator and subject expert Cheyney McKnight will lead the presentation.

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