Event Series Monday Morning Clean Ups

Monday Morning Clean Ups

Nice weekends bring lots of visitors to the park. Lots of visitors make a mess! Volunteers are needed to help park staff tidy up. Help Van Cortlandt Park staff clean up after weekend picnicking. We provide gloves and materials to help keep this park in tip-top shape. You provide can-do spirit and sturdy shoes for...

Event Series Summer Blooms Craft Series

Fairy Garden Workshop

Monday, August 12th -  10-12 pm Do you believe in magic? Do you believe in fairies and other enchanted creatures? You can invite them into your home with a magical fairy garden! In this workshop, a child and accompanying adult will create a fairy terrarium garden with a live plant to take home. All materials...

New Date: Canine Court Volunteer Clean Up

NYC Parks staff does not perform daily maintenance inside dog runs. Daily maintenance is up to volunteers- like YOU! Join us for an evening of weeding, cleaning and spreading woodchips to spruce up Canine Court. VCPA provides all necessary gear. You bring the can-do attitude Enter the park at Broadway and W. 252nd. RSVP Now.

Post Labor Day Morning Clean Up

Labor Day weekend bring lots of visitors to the park. Lots of visitors make a mess! Volunteers are needed to help park staff tidy up. Help Van Cortlandt Park staff...

Post Labor Day Afternoon Clean Up

Labor Day weekend bring lots of visitors to the park. Lots of visitors make a mess! Volunteers are needed to help park staff tidy up. Help Van Cortlandt Park staff...

Chalk Art Fest

FREE street chalk drawing event led by Ghana-born, Bronx artist Tijay Mohammed.  Create temporary art inspired by Adinkra and Uli symbols of West Africa, which adopt the spirit of the...

The Aeolian Trio Concert

The Aeolian Trio Concert Saturday, September 14, 2024 2pm to 3:30pm Van Cortlandt House Museum Lawn Van Cortlandt Park Alliance presents The Aeolian Trio as part of their 3-week US...

Pathways to the Past: Enslaved African Legacy Tour

Join VCPA's Arts Integration Strategist, Ashley Hart Adams, on a guided walk that will enlighten participants on the true history that shaped Van Cortlandt Park. For approximately 200 years, the...

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